“Chengiz” (2023) is a Bollywood action thriller that takes viewers on a relentless journey through the gritty underworld of Kolkata. Directed by Rajesh Ganguly, the film stars Jeet in the lead role as Chengiz, a formidable and ruthless gangster who rises to power through sheer force and cunning. Set in the turbulent 1970s and 1980s, “Chengiz” explores the themes of ambition, power, and betrayal, painting a vivid picture of the criminal landscape of the time. With its intense action sequences, gripping storyline, and powerful performances, the movie captures the essence of a man who stops at nothing to achieve his goals, challenging the boundaries of morality and justice.
Release Year
Action, Thriller
Rajesh Ganguly
Main Cast
Jeet, Susmita Chatterjee, Rohit Roy, Shataf Figar
Kolkata, 1980s and 1990s
The rise of Chengiz from a small-time hoodlum to a feared gangster in Kolkata’s underworld.
Chengiz” (2023) tells the story of a young man named Chengiz, who rises from the slums of Kolkata to become one of the most feared and respected gangsters in the city’s underworld during the 1970s and 1980s. Driven by poverty and a desire for power, Chengiz quickly climbs the ranks of the criminal hierarchy through his sheer ruthlessness and strategic acumen. Along the way, he forms alliances, makes enemies, and faces numerous betrayals that test his resolve. As his empire grows, Chengiz finds himself entangled in a complex web of violence, loyalty, and ambition. His journey is not just a quest for dominance, but also a search for identity and redemption, as he struggles to reconcile his past with his present. The film culminates in a high-stakes showdown that forces Chengiz to confront the consequences of his choices, leaving a lasting impact on the city’s underworld.